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Parenting Programmes

Bathurst Family Support Service offers a range of parenting programmes to support families with children under 12 years of age. Programmes are usually delivered on an individual basis, but at times are offered on a group basis.


Programmes are offered to families where children are in the care of the family. We individually consult with families to identify the programme that would best meet their needs and address the current concerns about family relationships or children’s behaviour.


Parenting programmes provide parents with information, knowledge and skills to assist with understanding children’s behaviour, ways to manage children’s behaviour, and how parents can change their practices to assist their child.


Children need parents who understand their needs and their behaviour, so that they can develop well and participate in healthy and safe relationships.


Bathurst Family Support Service recognises that parents are the experts in their children’s lives; our parenting programmes value add to the skills and knowledge that parents already have, and help parents to view issues differently or to try new interactions or behaviour management techniques for better outcomes for children and family relationships.



We believe that children need parents who practice positive parenting strategies that support authoritative parenting, that is, the effective balance of nurturance and firm limit setting, while supporting secure attachment experiences.


Our work supports parents to understand and participate in their children’s play. Play has a critical and central role in children’s learning and development.


Our parenting programmes are available to eligible families, at no cost. Parents are welcome to contact us to discuss their eligibility and to identify which programmes would best suit the needs of their child. We accept referrals directly from parents, or you can be referred by another agency or practitioner with your consent.


BFSS has trained facilitators in the following evidence based programmes:

  • Parent-Child Interaction Therapy

  • Tuning into Kids

  • Circle of Security Parenting

  • Bringing Up Great Kids


Other parenting programmes available include:

  • Parenting Children with ADHD

  • Protective Behaviours

  • Keeping Children Safe

  • Basics for Parents



We can also provide individualised information and support based on the specific needs of a family.

Parent-Child Interaction Thearpy

PCIT is an evidence based behavioural parent training program that is theoretically grounded in Attachment Theory and Social Learning Theory, and delivered using play therapy.

Tuning into kids™

Tuning into Kids™ is an evidence based program that is underpinned by Attachment Theory and focuses specifically on listening and responding to children’s emotional experiences.

Bringing up great kids

Bringing up Great Kids is an evidence based parenting programme that promotes and supports respectful, caring and nurturing relationships between parents and their children.

Parenting children with adhd

Parenting Children with ADHD assists parents to understand how ADHD influences their child’s behaviour, and helps parents to separate their child from the behaviour and to restore secure and nurturing relationships within families.


AutPlay Therapy, developed by Dr. Robert Jason Grant, is designed primarily for children and adolescents with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) and other neurodevelopmental disorders like ADHD, but is also effective for children experiencing anxiety or difficulty regulating emotions.

Protective Behaviours For Parents

The Protective Behaviours Programme provides both parents and children information about personal safety, and understanding safety needs. The programme aims to help children and parents to understand the concept of safe, and what to do when they don’t feel safe.


Protective Behaviours uses resources provided by the Protective Behaviours Consultancy Group NSW.

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Individualised Support

Some families request specific information or support to address issues or concerns, and may need a tailored response. We are able to provide support according to individual needs;


We work in partnership with families to identify what we can provide that will assist families to address issues and needs to support best outcomes for children.

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